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Top Ten Thursday - Why I Can Hardly Wait For Spring To Arrive...

Welcome to Top Ten Thursday! I created this meme to add a little bit of variety to Frump Day ( no longer Hump Day, not yet Friday...) If you would like to participate, just create your own Top Ten post about anything your heart desires and add the link below. Everyone is welcome to join in. This should get really interesting...

Why I Can Hardly Wait For Spring To Arrive...

1. Migraine relief. Sounds crazy, I'm sure. Once Spring arrives, thus bringing new leaves to the trees, there will be a welcome break from the blinding sunbeams that pour through the naked trees, and into every window on the back side of my house. Inevitably, I get popped in the eye by one of these, every few days. Within the hour, I have a blinding migraine.

I know you wonder, "Hasn't this fool ever heard of curtains?". Well, yes I have. But, like many things around here, Hubs and I disagree about the morning light. He actually enjoys the solar lasers that attack our home and wants either no curtains or very sheer ones. In the interest of not having to hear his big fat mouth, I give him his way.

2.Bye Bye, Snow! You're pretty enough, the first few times you show up, but then you turn my long, dirt/rock driveway into a terrible mess, and it never really recovers till the end of Spring. Again, I get to hear Hubs bitch about folks driving into the hay field, to avoid one of our huge mud puddles. I swear, he has memorized he tire tracks of every friend/relative we have and knows exactly who dared to stray from the road. I call him Tonto.

3. Goodbye, Cold. I hate you! As a person who has lived in some very crappy houses, through some very bad winters, I have earned the right to say that. Thankfully, I live in a nice home with plenty of heat now. But I still hate you for my family and friends and many other folks who struggle all winter to pay outrageous heating costs.

Plus, should I be forced to go outside for any reason, you make my ears ache and my bones throb. Drop dead, Cold!

4. Ice, where my water should be. Few things are more depressing than stumbling through the house, early in the morning, feeling my way around, filling the filter basket with yummy smelling coffee grounds, placing the carafe 'neath the faucet, pushing up the handle, and getting NOTHING.

I have spring water, pumped to my house from way down in the woods. When the water freezes, it takes forever to thaw. Sometimes I'm lucky and it has just frozen as it comes into the house. Then I can head outside in my nightgown and a hunting jacket, squatting till my legs go numb, firing a hot air from a blow dryer, at the frozen pipes under the house.

5.Some peace and quiet. I love my kids, I really do. They love me just as much. Thus, they are usually within a few feet of me at all times. All talking at once. About everything under the sun. Or singing. Or playing video games. Sometimes the noise is unreal! When the weather gets warmer, they slowly put a little more distance from me and themselves. Playing outside etc...

5. No more drive-by deer hunting. Nothing thrills some of these idiotic, alcoholic, morons around these parts, more than shooting at deer from their car, truck, lawnmower etc... Even though it is illegal, it is a constant every winter. As I live in the middle of the woods and my house cannot be seen from the road, I am terrified that a stray bullet is going to come through my house someday, possibly hitting one of my kids.

6.Hunting by phone. When deer season is over, I have to listen to countless hours of Hubs on the phone, talking to his friends about deer hunting. Always, there is that one elusive buck, with the best rack, that they all tried to get. Every single year, some outsider manages to get "the one". The next few weeks are spent, keeping the phone lines hot, giving that fella a tongue lashing. Behind his back, of course. This continues up until the blessed day that they stock the river with trout and fishing season opens.

7. Hat hell. My husband has a zillion hats, caps, and toboggans. Every single day, all winter long, just as he is going out the door, he'll stop and ask, "Where's my hat?". I'll hand him the closest one and he'll respond with, "No, not that one." And so it begins, I spend the next half hour trying to locate the hat he needs.
He has a Purina hat, given to him by the Purina rep that attends his associations hunt each year. He has to wear than one whenever he shops for dog food or might be seeing that man out somewhere. He has a Southern States hat that he has to wear, should he go there to buy anything. There's one for the gas company. One for the local garage. Certain hats that he wears on certain tractors and hats he only wears when driving a specific truck or attending a certain hunt. Nothing tickles him better than to get a free hat with a logo on it. I plan to slap the pee water out of the next well meaning person that gives Hubs a cap.

Once Spring arrives, he doesn't wear quite so many.

8. Wild, hungry, critters.I love nature and the animals that live in it. As long as they stay out there. Winter usually results in skunks, raccoons, and the like, stealing dog food. Mice trying to invade the house. But the worst are the mean animals like coyotes. The past few weeks, they've been gathering a little ways from the house and howling all through the night. It'll make ones blood run cold to hear. I worry that one with rabies or something might make it's way to my yard.

9. Getting dark early. HATE IT! When the days start getting longer and the time changes, giving us more daylight in the evening, I could positively tap dance with joy.

10. Depression. Winter has always depressed me. Possibly because anyone I've ever loved, that passed away, usually did so during the cold months.

So anyway, Bring on Spring! I'm sooooo ready!


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