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The Perfect Sippy Cup: The Safe Sippy Review and Giveaway at Jolly Mom

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The Safe Sippy is made by Kid Basix and this is a company that thinks of every thing. Every detail of this cup is well thought out. First and foremost, The Safe Sippy is made from non-leaching medical-grade stainless steel, which does not interact with foods or liquids. As Kid Basix says, "what you put in is what you get out." It has a colorful rubber sleeve, which serves a few purposes. One, it looks cool! It definitely makes the cup appealing to children (and me) with the bright colors and sleek design. It also protects the cup from being damaged when your toddler inevitably slings it across the room. Also, it helps insulate cold drinks and protects little hands from getting cold. It comes with removable handles so that when your child outgrows them; you can just take them off. The spout is actually shaped like a straw because research has shown that the traditional, wide spout can cause speech problems. The little plastic this cup actually has is all certified free of Bisphenol A, phthalates and DEHA.

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