*MY HAREM!* Look At All These Beautiful Faces! Follow Me! And Try To Keep Up, For Pete's Sake!!


Photo Randomness

Here are a few random photos, from the last few days. I'm not taking the time to label each of them. Basically, you'll see a beautiful flower pot that Cina created, using gravels from our drive, that she painted and glued onto the pot. She made this to leave at the memory tree, with a potted flower, for her friend Katy, who passed away a year ago. Also, there are pics of the kids visiting their granny on Hub's side ( notice how underwhelmed Tallen is LOL He kept saying, "I don't belong here! Take me home!) Plus, pics of dogwood, Iris, rhododendron, and mountain lily. Then, the chicks, going through their awkward/ugly stage. And finally, a couple of the cows.

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