*MY HAREM!* Look At All These Beautiful Faces! Follow Me! And Try To Keep Up, For Pete's Sake!!


Coming Up For Air

Well, last week, it was poor Ross that was sick with a sore mouth and throat and could not eat. Then, just as Ross was getting well and returning to her usual, bossy, funny, huggable, self. poor Cina got sick...

She was very light headed and felt feverish on Friday morning, but as she hates being sick, she convinced herself she was fine. She didn't mention that she felt bad and went on with her plans with friends that day. By the time she came home, around 7 PM that night, she had a busting headache and went straight to bed. She awoke on Saturday, feeling just as bad. Then she found a deer tick lodged in her arm. By Midnight that night, her temp had gone up to almost 103F. She refused to go to the ER but Renni and I forced her. The doctor seems to think she has a tick related illness and started her on a round of Doxy. Her blood work won't be back for a couple more days.

She is so miserable and her throat hurts so bad that she can hardly eat. I made her some homemade cream of chicken soup last night and she has really been eating a lot of that. Also, I've been using my ice cream machine to turn juice and sodas into slushies for her. Today, she seemed to be improving just a little. I hope tomorrow finds her doing even better.

Please send prayers and good vibes in our direction.


  1. You poor thing. Please wish everyone well from me. And I'm sending good thoughts. Summer colds are the worst.

  2. Just stopped over for an update but no hurry, I know your busy. Take care!

  3. I hope both girls are feeling better!


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