*MY HAREM!* Look At All These Beautiful Faces! Follow Me! And Try To Keep Up, For Pete's Sake!!


Fun & Easy Contest: Write 5 "Momfinitions" and Get Cash!

Don't you just love those little words that, when you say them, other folks have no idea what you mean, but your kids and husband understand right away... Post a blog with your own top 5 and share it here http://www.parentsconnect.com/articles/mom-definitions.jhtml You could win a prize!

My Top 5 ...

Dumb On - Brief moment when I lose any shred of brain activity and have trouble remembering my own name.

Anorexia Dyslexia - My "condition" that I use as the excuse for sudden weight gain.

Scaredo - Mine or anyone else's hair, when we first roll out of bed.

Toothless One With the Bad Breath - Code for when someone has passed gas

Technicolor Yawn - vomiting

If you like any of these. Please comment. As the more comments I get, the better chance I have of winning something.


I love comments!