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JumpStart Online Virtual World - Review and Giveaway

Discover a Magical World of Learning & Fun - Becom

Recently, Tallen and I were offered the exciting chance to test drive JumpStart Online and their new 3-D Virtual World. The target ages for this site are 3-10, but Ross (2) and Selly (12) also had a great time, when Tallen gave them a chance to play.

The virtual world provides your child with an exciting adventure and safe online play, while they learn at the same time. The key to learning is making it fun and JumpStart.com definitely fits the bill. Recently, the option for players to interact with one another has been added, but you can turn this option off, if you'd rather your child not have access to it. 

I was also very impressed with the JumpStart blog ! I went there expecting to find post after post with updates about the 3-D world. That wasn't the case. I am very impressed with all the fun ideas and educational information that I found there. I will definitely be frequenting their blog.

Tallen took to the virtual world like a duck to water! He had a blast creating his own Jumpee! One thing I like about this process is that the kids are offered canned names to give their Jumpee, thus eliminating the chance of anyone accidentally using their own name or an inappropriate name.

He loved playing the games and earning points, then checking out where he stood in the Hall of Fame. He had a very easy time navigating from place to place. It was very similar to the Wii that he plays so often. He would have played for hours on end, had I not made him take a break!

If you would like a chance to win a Three (3) Month Membership at JumpStart.com, just follow these instructions...

Initial Entry - Just leave a comment below, stating why you would like to win. = (1) Entry

If your email is not available on your profile, you must include one in your first entry. Otherwise, I have no way of contacting you.

You can receive additional entries by doing the following :

Register at JumpStart.com = (1) Additional Entry

Visit the JumpStart Blog and comment on any post there = (1) Additional Entry

Blog about this giveaway at your own blog and include a link back to my post =(1)Additional Entry

Become a follower of A Kiss and A Peck = (1) Additional Entry

Please leave a new comment for each of these entries, to be sure you get credit for them.

  A winner will be chosen on August 12, 2009, via all the entries being placed in a bowl and Ross picking the lucky person (and probably her nose lol) I will Flip the process and post here for all to watch. 

Good Luck! !


  1. Thanks for responding to the discussion on MBC and for checking out my blog! I am following! :)

  2. This sounds so great! I've heard of this from other bloggers. Bella would LOVE to win!! Thanks for the chance!


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