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Top Ten Thursday - Top Ten "Just For Me" Things That I Adore

Welcome to Top Ten Thursday! I created this meme to add a little bit of variety to Frump Day ( no longer Hump Day, not yet Friday...) If you would like to participate, just create your own Top Ten post about anything your heart desires and add the link below. Everyone is welcome to join in. This should get really interesting...

Top Ten "Just for Me" Things That I Adore

I love my husband ( could choke him some days, but putting that aside, I love him.), I love my kids, certain members of the rest of my family, and my pets. But, this post is about the things that I enjoy. The things that make me feel better and put a smile on my face...

For many, many, years, I have had a love affair with soap.Not just any soap. I'm talking about handmade soaps. Those wonderful soaps made with olive oil, or goat's milk, I once even had mud soap, clear from New Zealand. I love the rustic look of homemade soap. I love the smell of it, all of the delicious scents that the maker comes up with, by mixing a few drops of this and that. Most of all, I love what it does for my skin. Because of thyroid issues that I have suffered from my whole life, I have extremely dry skin. Homemade soaps work miracles for that.

This probably stems back to when I was a child and my mother would go to the dollar store and purchase these big bags of yellow and pink soap. I'll bet there were twenty bars in there! It smelled like strong laundry detergent and made me itch to high Heaven. I made myself a promise then that, if I had any skin left, when I grew up, I would never torture myself with dollar store soap!

My friend Gini makes wonderful soap and is very generous with me. I have it all displayed in a lovely basket in the the master bath. I also purchase soap elsewhere. I just can't help it.


Not when it's a chore, but when I can do it at my leisure, with nobody whining, asking when it will be ready.

3. Baking

The same as cooking really, but baking deserves it's own number. I find it to be very therapeutic. While mixing, kneading, and rolling, it's easy to daydream and think about days gone by. It's very relaxing. The smile that my baked goods put on the faces of others is also good for my soul.

4. Walking in the Woods

I especially love this when the fallen leaves are damp, the smell is intoxicating. I've actually had startled deer leap out just in front of me. But walks through the woods alone are few and far between. But it's nice to dream about.


I love to sing. I also love to write songs.

6. Writing Poetry

I've never been big on reading poetry but I do enjoy writing it.


When I was a child, reading was my escape from everything bad. Imagining that i was out on the prairie with Laura Ingalls probably saved my life.

8. Being home alone, on a cool, rainy day, snuggled up on the sofa, watching a favorite movie.


I love to sew and dream up new things to make. I rarely have time for this.


I have always loved growing things, as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I would pick out half dead plants at the nursery, because I felt sorry for them. I would bring them home, plant them, and nurse them back to health.

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