*MY HAREM!* Look At All These Beautiful Faces! Follow Me! And Try To Keep Up, For Pete's Sake!!


Field Trip!

Renni had planned to take Tallen on a trip to Sci Works Science Center, while Ross and I were away this week. When our trip was canceled, she decided that she would brave taking them both! Bless her heart. As it turns out, they were very well behaved and Tallen didn't have a single meltdown.

Here is a perfect example of why you don't ever tell Tallen to smile for a picture. It's best to just catch him giving a natural smile. LOL

Tallen says these are Moon Rocks. 
Note there is another forced smile.
He looks like he is in pain...

This was his favorite activity.                                                   
         This giant man had all his guts strewn about, attached to cords.
       Tallen refused to leave until he had them all stuffed back inside.

They ended their day by stopping at McDonald's Check out Ross' upside-down sunglasses.

They both had the best time and woke up, ready to go back today!



  1. Looks like they had fun! Stopping by from the blog frog!
    The Frugal Free Gal
    Have a great day!

  2. It looks like they had a good time! My kids would have loved to stuff the guts back in the doll!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hey there! Stopping by from SonyaAnn's blog...you are her booger for the day!!! :)

    My kids also would have loved to stuff those guts back in!! LOL

    Have a great rest of the day and weekend!!!!


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