*MY HAREM!* Look At All These Beautiful Faces! Follow Me! And Try To Keep Up, For Pete's Sake!!


The Change ~ Day Five

Yesterday went off without a hitch. I had made up enough green juice to last me all day. I did have a lot of hip pain and it was worse today. :( But still no aching fingers, toes, etc...

 After doing some research, I found that the norm is to do a 5 days on, 5 days off, juicing regimen. I had decided that might be best, instead of my planned 7 days. I still juice on the off days, but can also eat pretty much as many fruits and veggies as I like, even cooked ones. As long as they are steamed or with sauteed with olive oil, it's fine. So I roasted myself up a bunch of veggies today and sat down to enjoy my feast. Trouble was, I couldn't eat. I was not hungry. I decided not to force myself and chalked it up to a lesson learned. I'm guessing that the juice fills me so much that I just don't need that other food. At any rate, I abandoned my roasted veggies, and made a green juice instead.

  I'm excited that the weather has taken a turn for the better. I plan to start walking daily now, beginning with this evening. I need to get out into nature. Not just for my health, but also for my sanity. I swear, I don't think my four year old daughter has stopped talking for even a second, in one whole week! lol She's been rising before daylight, sleeping with me in the evenings and talking till she passes out for the night. So, a 30 minute or so walk, in silence, will be absolute heaven.

  I hope you all have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I love roasted veggies, Brussel sprouts are the best, little leaves shrivel up and fall off and they taste like potato chips.


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