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Five Mom-Inspired Driving Tips

Moms and dads spend numerous hours behind the wheel. We drive our kids to and from school, from one activity to another. Everything can become routine and second nature. So routine, in fact, that we can sometimes develop a sense of false security. Honestly, what could happen on a short trip to the corner market, or to the bus stop? Anything could happen. Most accidents happen close to a person's home, probably because our guard tends to drop in familiar territory. Here are some tips on being prepared and safe.

1.If you do not have a window breaking/seat belt cutting tool, in the glove box of every vehicle you own, purchase them right away. This tool could be the difference between your family having a close call and their not surviving a crash at all. Make everyone aware of where this is located and how to use it. These tools can slice a jammed seat belt and allow the shattering of a window, for faster escape from a sinking or burning vehicle.

2. Make room in your trunk for a box of essentials. Enough to last for several hours, possibly days, should you and your family be stranded. Even if it never snows where you are, this box is still important. Fill this box with first aid supplies, especially Benadryl  and or an Epi-pen, for anyone with a severe allergy. Hard candy and shelf stable juice for a diabetic. A warm blanket, if you use the emergency kind, they are thin enough to allow you to have several of these on hand. Emergency cell phone power. These are cheap and a real Godsend. Just be certain to store the batteries for this and any other electronics in the box, not in the item, to avoid corrosion.

Also include water, snacks, a few diapers and formula (you just never know), along with baby wipes. A set of walkies-talkies would also be great, as they will allow you to keep in touch, should one of you need to walk for help, or enable you to possibly make contact with another radio user in the area. Don't forget flash lights, flares, and a can of emergency tire sealant. This seems like a lot of stuff, but it will bring such comfort and piece of mind.

3. Keep your car tidy! This isn't just a rule for appearance sake. I was in a terrible accident once and one thing I remember clearly is that everything that was not secured in the car became a projectile. Transport sports equipment in the trunk of the car. The same goes for groceries and tools. It is worth the few seconds it takes to secure the items.

4. Make your car a library. Actually, just make sure it sounds like one. It is so important that children learn early to behave in the car. Distracted driving causes accidents. A few occasions of pulling over until the noise dies down, quickly lets them know how they are expected to behave in the car. Keeping some small toys or books in the vehicle that are used only on car trips will help give them something to occupy their time.

5.Everyone knows not to drive drunk, yet many people feel they have no choice but to drive when they are sleepy, or upset. Both of these are just as dangerous. Refuse to drive when you are sleepy, the world will not end, I promise. Also, if you are upset, never get behind the wheel. The risk just is not worth it.

I hope you find these tips helpful.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Esurance blogging program for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.


  1. Hi, I found you from Social Moms and I just did one of these posts too! Great ideas! I really need to implement them!

  2. Thanks! : ) I tried to access your profile and read the one on your blog, but it says you have no profile.

  3. I love make your car a library! Better than the bathroom...


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