*MY HAREM!* Look At All These Beautiful Faces! Follow Me! And Try To Keep Up, For Pete's Sake!!


Was My Face Red! Wednesday

Was My Face Red! Wednesday

Welcome to Was My Face Red! Wednesday! Most of us have, at one time or another, done something so humiliating, that we wished the floor would open up and consume us. Let's swallow our pride and share those moments with others! Our shame was not in vain, if it can put a smile on someone face! You tell me yours, and I'll tell you mine...

  Everyone is welcome to participate. Just leave the link to your WMFR post below.

  Here goes...euthanized

  When Cota ( Now age 20 ) was just two moths old, he was diagnosed with a double hernia and was scheduled for surgery. I was just a mere 17 years old myself and scared silly. On the day before his surgery, I had an appointment to meet with the Anesthesiologist to discuss the roll he would be playing in the surgery, what to expect etc... I remember the day vividly... Cota was dressed in the cutest little baseball themed Onesie, it even had an adorable matching baseball cap. I walked through the hospital corridors trying to locate the right office. Every one kept stopping me to ooh and ahh about how adorable Cota was. All I could think about was the dangers of the surgery and how Cota's being premature made it even more dangerous for him to be anesthetized. By the time I found the office, I was a bundle of nerves.

  I pecked on the office door and soon was staring the Anesthesiologist in the face. I quickly blurted out, " Hello, I am Mrs. XX. I'm here to discuss having my son euthanized tomorrow. Without missing a beat, the Anesthesiologist said, " Gee lady, I don't think we need to go that far! Totally embarrassing, but a great ice breaker!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that's funny! Sounds like something I would accidentally say!


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