*MY HAREM!* Look At All These Beautiful Faces! Follow Me! And Try To Keep Up, For Pete's Sake!!


Repost for Kayleigh

Please keep Kayleigh's family in your thoughts and prayers. She's now in the arms of Jesus, covered in Angels' kisses...

There’s a special piece of Heaven
Where tiny souls that pass too soon
Bask in a brilliant star shine
As they dance across the moon

A huge, galactic, playground
There beneath the stars
Full of butterflies and lightning bugs
For them to catch in jars

No safety latches, no bumps, no scratches,
No mean ol’ bees with stingers
No scratchy shirts, no shots that hurt,
No doors to slam their fingers

No gates, no locks, no chicken pox,
No tangles in their hair
And multiples of everything
So they never have to share

They sleep each night on fluffy clouds
With rainbow pillow cases
‘Neath the loving gaze of Jesus
Angels’ kisses on their faces

Though our days seem an eternity
For those babes, time flashes by
God brings us swiftly to them
So they never have to cry

He took them on ahead of us
Just for a little while
‘Cause just like us, he needed
A sweet child to make him smile

© 2009 SRF-TGR

1 comment:

  1. I am crying. I will definetely hug our precious daugther tonight and say a prayer for Kayleigh and her parents. Our little one was 2 and a half months early but weighed 3 pounds so she had a better chance. God bless their family.


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