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Tip Me Tuesday - Sneaking Fruits & Veggies Into Your Toddler’s Diet

Most toddlers are like mine, they love to graze. It's not always easy to make sure that they will graze on the right things. Too often, I hear, " Yuck!", when trying to serve my daughter fruits and vegetables that she finds less than appealing. My solution is to sneak them in where I can.

She loves Chips and Dip. For a health alternitive, I cut tortillas into triangles, sprinkle them with cinnamon, and then toast in the oven. She then dips these into natural applesauce.

I would love to hear any tip that my readers would like to share on getting their toddlers to eat healthy.

Twitter Moms and Horizon Little Blends are having a contest on this very subject. Please check it out and enter yourself! http://www.twittermoms.com/forum/topics/sneaking-fruits-veggies-into

Be sure to add a link to your Tip Me Tuesday post, in the Mr. Linky form below.


  1. Popping in from MBC!
    Now following you...

  2. That is a great idea... though, my son is the polar opposite. He loves his fruits and veggies. It is everything else I can't get him to eat and he need protein as well as other vitamins we get from pasta and so on. ARGH!! But, I might have to make this for me;)


I love comments!